Monday, September 27, 2010

Days 261-267

Day 261, Sunday, September 19th

Saying good-night!  Since Baby Girl has the earlier bedtime it has become a ritual to give night-kisses to everyone before bed.  I usually carry her from Dad to boys for this, but then I couldn't catch how cute it is!

Day 262, Monday, September 20th
It is official - we have a cub scout in the family!  Isn't he handsome?!  Lovin' the uniform!!  And quite the popcorn salesman!  Check it out here if you are interested!

And for science today - make your own edible cell!!

I loved the fact that the boys were so excited to make and eat these - mainly because of all the candy they stuffed inside the Jell-O - but couldn't quite finish them because of all the candy they stuffed inside the Jell-)!

Day 263, Tuesday, September 21st
My sister picked these up for Baby Girl.  Who knew something could be so cute just because it is pink!

Day 264, Wednesday, September 22nd
This has been a long week for J because of cross-country.  He has had 4 meets in 5 days!
Here they are right before the race - Go Jimmies!

Day 265, Thursday, September 23rd
Can you guess what J is getting?  Contacts!  He has wanted them for the last year and we finally decided it was time.  He is doing great with them.  But boy, did it bring back some memories for me!  Those first days of trying to get my contacts in, how I never thought I would be able to do it and I wanted to so bad! 

Ta-da!  Doesn't it make him look older? 
Or maybe, I'm just a mom having a hard time knowing that her son
will be turning 13 next month!

Day 266, Friday, September 24th
M and L were at their Grandparents for the night and Hubby and J went to the high school football game, so Baby Girl and I did some stuffin' and savin' at Old Navy. You gotta love Stuff  & Save!

Day 267, Saturday, September 25th
J's last cross-country meet of the week.  Can you tell by the look on his face, he is wearing out? 


The Bug said...

I remember when I got contacts - it was the most amazing thing! I didn't have any trouble getting them in or out, but boy my brother did. He had those ridiculously long eyelashes that some boys get & he couldn't get his eye open wide enough to get them in. Of course, that was 30 years ago & he does it just fine now :)

Love those pink crocs! I think crocs are the most comfy shoes anyway...

Tori said...

Night-night kisses are the best!!
I LOVE the cells! How funny that the very thing they stuffed them with prevented full consumption! :)
Oh contacts. I remember very well getting them in 7th grade and all of the "stuff" that went with them. He does look older and man, does he have big, brown eyes. Guess you didn't notice them as much with the glasses. Very handsome!!
Have a great week!!

Christine said...

Rita! Are you guys doing Apologia Anatomy too?! We skipped from Astronomy to Anatomy this year and are doing a co-op with the Logan's on Fridays! Would you be interested in joining us? We meet at Suzanne's. Let me know -- I'm sure Suzanne would approve of you guys joining the fun-- and sharing the load. ;)
Looks like a great week. It's such a big year for J! School, cross-country, contacts!! Such big changes. It's hard, I'm sure on 'the mama'. But you are not alone, friend. Hang in there!

Elizabeth said...

Love the Jell-o cell!!!! And your new scout is adorable! The crocs also are toooooo cute!

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